Dr. Vonda Wright is a sought-after speaker and consultant whose expertise lies at the intersection of active aging, sports medicine, and innovations in women’s health. With more than 20 years of experience as a leading orthopedic surgeon and health advocate, Dr. Wright captivates audiences with her ability to translate complex medical concepts into engaging, actionable insights.
Whether inspiring a room full of executives, guiding healthcare professionals, or empowering women in all stages of life, Dr. Wright delivers a message that moves people to take action and create meaningful change.
Dr Vonda Wright with Richard H. Carmona(opens in a new tab), the 17th Surgeon General of the United States
Dr. Vonda Wright’s speaking engagements are designed to inspire audiences to take control of their health, reimagine what's possible with aging, and lead with resilience. Drawing on her groundbreaking research, clinical experience, and personal passion, she connects with audiences of all backgrounds – corporate leaders, nonprofit organizations, women’s groups, and healthcare innovators. Dr. Wright also regularly appears on some of the top podcasts in the world, is featured in national outlets, contributes to leading publications, and is a trusted expert in topics ranging from health and fitness to the science of aging.
Dr. Wright’s talks are tailored to bring value to a variety of audiences on topics like:
Dr. Wright’s consulting services are a game-changer for individuals and organizations navigating the challenges of healthcare, innovation, and personal branding.
Dr. Wright is the creator and host of the widely popular podcast HOT For Your Health, where she brings together industry leaders and change-makers to discuss the future of health, wellness, and aging with vitality. From interviews with cutting-edge researchers to practical advice on thriving in life, this podcast is a must-hear for anyone passionate about personal development and optimal living.
Together with co-founder Lynn Banaszak, Dr. Wright leads One RED Arrow, an initiative dedicated to guiding innovators from ideation to execution. This proven approach connects entrepreneurs with critical resources, strategic partners, and actionable solutions to achieve their visions. Whether you’re working in healthcare, biotech, or beyond, One RED Arrow can help make your innovation a success.
Dr. Wright offers specialized consulting for clinicians and healthcare professionals who want to build a powerful presence on social media. She provides a strategic roadmap for leveraging online platforms to amplify your voice, expand your impact, and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. For clinicians looking to engage patients and showcase thought leadership, Dr. Wright’s insights are invaluable.
Whether she’s on stage sharing insights or guiding clients through tailored consulting programs, Dr. Wright’s impact is undeniable. Her unique ability to connect, inspire, and deliver results makes her the ideal partner for those ready to push boundaries and unlock new potential.
Take the next step in transforming lives – your audience, your team, or even yourself. Contact Dr. Vonda Wright for speaking appearances, consulting engagements, or to learn more about how her expertise can help you thrive.
Despite the “age-old” myth, aging is not an inevitable decline from youth to frailty. It is the natural flow of life, and yet, with the passing of each emotionally significant milestone -- childhood, teens, 30-something -- we reach our middle ages wondering, “Will my health last?”
Orthopedic surgeon and author Dr. Vonda Wright utilizes her 20 years of research and caring for elite athletes and high-performing patients to prove that not only can you optimize your health to last, but that you can be “healthy, active, joyful… VITAL!” as you do it, long into the foreseeable future.
In this new era where we find ourselves, we may feel the safe option is to hunker down and wait for the normal we recognize to once again return.
Orthopedic surgeon, author, and researcher Dr. Vonda Wright brings tactics for building physical and mental resilience from her 20 years of experience working with high-performance and professional athletes to gird yourself against external stress, build strength in all areas of your life, and make the best out of our current reality.
We live in an amazing age of medical discovery and innovation. The imagination of science fiction epics is becoming reality as we harness the body’s potential for healing and regenerating itself.
Dr. Wright draws on her more than 20 years of research experience to illuminate today’s “wonders of the world” for non-science business and community audiences.
As women, we’ve always watched each other successfully manage our households and families. Now, as we watch women successfully manage nations and corporations globally, we know: It’s about time that women take the lead.
Orthopedic surgeon, author, researcher, wife, and mother Dr. Vonda Wright applies the lessons she’s learned on her own road to success in a field dominated by 94% men to empower women to step up and take a chance on themselves.
Dr. Wright explains how the best health is no accident but requires purposeful strategic planning.
This fun speech or workshop unfolds the 4 steps for Creating A Vision for your future, taking Action via Move-ing and Eat-ing, addressing Attitudes that create barriers to health, and the amazing science between the body-brain connection.
Women make more than 80% of the health care decisions in this country, not only for themselves but for everyone they touch in their lives.
With Millennials growing into a massive influential block in our economy, it’s time to identify and address the needs of this powerful generation of women.
As an orthopedic surgeon, I treat patients of all ages and skill levels with activity-related musculoskeletal injuries. I'm also an active researcher on a variety of topics in my field.
I have been sought out for insights on bringing ideation to execution, building innovation into the fabric of work environments, and creating messaging around thought leadership.
Packed with research-based facts and written as if you were sitting across me in my office, my books will help you change your fitness and nutrition.
Join Dr. Vonda Wright’s free newsletter to receive news updates, virtual event announcements, and tips on living a life of vigor, verve, and vitality, at any age.